
Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Beginning of a Never Ending Journey...

One of the most rewarding things a man can ever experience is being the daddy of a daughter. It is life changing, and every man who is blessed enough to have one knows what I mean. In no way would I ever diminish the value of having a son, which I have...he is an awesome gift too. But for whatever reason only God knows, I have been graced with 5 daughters...daddy's little girls, and not so little girls. Girls ranging in age from 29 down to 5. Now, does that make me an expert? I think not. Trust me, I have messed it up so many times. I think I have learned more about daddying from my failures than any other way. (And with the help of my wife who watches how I respond to our girls and then in her own loving way, shows me how I could have done it better. I love her for that.)

But from each and every failure, I am learning more about what it means to be a better daddy and how to love my daughters more. You never quite have it down. I continue to learn each and every day the unique and very special relationship of a daddy and his daughter and that is why this blog was help men with the daddying of their daughters. What I will do is share some of my life with you. I hope you will do the same with me.

I don't have any special titles behind my name or any kind of degree in parenting, but one thing I do know is that if you learn how to daddy your daughter, your life will be filled with a richness and joy beyond anything you ever could imagine. Some of the things I will share in this blog are so practical and some come from a life of experiencing the heartaches and joys of just being there for them. The relationship with a daddy and his daughter is very special and is something to treasure for a lifetime.

Guys, I'm telling you...there is more drama in my home than I ever thought possible and yet in a strange kind of way, I LOVE IT! They are precious to me and I am still learning one day at a time how to handle them. And believe me when I say, I don't have it down yet.

My goal is to post something new and fresh once each week, but please cut me some slack on this because I, like most of you, am busy living life, loving and serving my wife, loving, teaching and disciplining my children, and developing a full time career outside of this blog.

I hope you will take this to heart and join me in this journey together as we change the relationships of daddies and their daughters all over this make an eternal difference one daddy and one daughter at a time.

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