
Friday, July 9, 2010

Cleaning this Gun (Come on in Boy)

I haven't posted in a while as I have been super busy and moved on to other things, but when I saw this video I thought of all the guys who read this daddying daughter blog.  You've got to watch this brief YouTube video by country music singer, Rodney Atkins.  It's great!  Believe me, as the daddy of a daughter you will be able to relate!  Hope it makes you smile!  Enjoy...

1 comment:

  1. Amen! As the father of a 4 year old girl who is one of the two most precious gifts God has given me, I fear the day when I will have to have this conversation.

    As humorous as this is though, I think there are a couple of valuable lessons in the intro to this song. We don't remember much from high school or books, but when an older, wiser man (especially someone we fear a little) takes the time to make you think about your intentions that seems to stick with you.

    I can still see very clearly the look of love, concern, and care in the stern face of my wife's WWII veteran grandfather as he firmly grabbed my hand, looked me in the eye, and asked me if I was going to take proper care of his granddaughter.

    As fathers we will do ourselves, our daughters, and their potential spouses a great disservice if we don't take the time to demonstrate just how important they are to us, whether by cleaning our guns, or just looking them in the eye and letting them see first hand our love and dedication to those precious little gifts.
