
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Daddy, will you pleeeeeeeease play with me?

Well dads, how many times have you heard those words?  Those are some of the sweetest words your little girl could ever say to you.  Wow, I mean think about it, they actually want to be with just cool is that!  And what do YOU say? "Sweetie, maybe later...daddy is really busy right now".  Sound familiar?  I can't tell you how many times I have done that over the years, and it breaks my heart every time I think about the countless times I told my daughters "maybe later"...and later never came.

Does your daughter always seem to ask you right in the middle of something you are doing that YOU think is "important"?  Hey, don't get me wrong, I know there are times when we have to bring work home, fix things around the house, pay bills, etc.  Some of these things may even need to be done at that particular moment.  In that case when possible, tell your daughter you will do something with her as soon as you finish.  Then give her a reasonable time so she will know how long she will have to wait and then MAKE IT HAPPEN.  Keep your word.  Don't blow her off!

Hey guys, coincidentally (or is it?) this very moment my girls are playing all around me begging me to play with them, but hey, I've got my priorities straight...I'm writing my blog about daddying daughters and that is really important, right?

Oh all right, I'll be right back...

Had to go play princess in the back yard with my two little girls (ages 5 and 10).  Pretty cool...they just wanted to be with me.  The funny thing is, they're not thinking that I am a man and that men don't play princess (or Barbies or any other girly thing they want to play).  However, maybe they do get it, because they sure were laughing at me a lot!  Guys, you have never lived until you have worn a tiara.  I know some of you will have to go look that up in the dictionary.

In all seriousness, sadly I can probably count on one hand over the past year the number of times that I actually stopped what I was doing and without hesitation said the magic words "okay, what do you want to play?".  How about you?  Can you relate to that?  Every now and then, we just need to say "okay".  Probably be a good idea to actually put a little "daddy daughter" time on your calendar.  Be intentional about it.  Otherwise, life just slips away and so do they!

One day, and not all that far down the road, they just quit asking.  That is a really sad day!  Don't let that happen...the only way we ever really get to know our daughters is just being with them.  Play with them, be with them, and do it often!  When I am with my little girls they usually tell me everything on their minds and in their heart.  I believe we reap big dividends for that time when they become teenagers and later on in their adult life!

Okay dads, here is a challenge for you this week...

I challenge you the next time your little girl (or not so little) says, "daddy will you please play with me", I dare you to drop what you are doing at that very moment and go play.  I double dog dare you!


  1. Great article! It is easy to shoo them away when our daughters want to play. It seems unimportant on the surface, but I agree with you that it is extremely important. They need to know they are valuable enough to get our attention. In fact, they need to know they are more valuable than all the other things in our lives. Isn't this what love is all about? Showing someone that they matter? Thanks for the reminder and encouragement to keep playing CandyLand and Barbies!

  2. This REALLY hit home, literally.

    This past year I've worked very hard to be able to ditch the 9-5 clock punching environment so I could work from home and see my 2 beautiful little girls more. I love being around them during the day and having them play in the office while I work.

    However, I can't tell you how many times a day I say those words, "I'm really busy right now sweetheart, in a little bit." And a little bit becomes a little bit longer and little bit longer and little bit....

    I think this is definitely a struggle for any home based entrepreneur. We often get so caught up in building our empires that we forget the reason that made us start our empires in the first place. Which for me, is my family.

    Great post! Thanks

  3. This is very interesting to me as I have 2 daughters now and Princessa my oldest(5) is always asking me to come play and I seem to caught up in what I am doing that sometimes I do need to step away. Thanks for the reminder. I will take on your dare.

  4. My 31 year-old grand-daughter and I both still remember when she was with us as a 6 year-old. She would dress-up in a long gown and high heel shoes, as Cinderella; we would turn on the music box and dance; when it stopped, it was mid-night; she would lose a shoe, as she ran home. I would go through the house looking for the beautiful girl who would fit the shoe. When I found her, we would do it over and over!! Herman

  5. The rest of the story: At my grand-daughter's wedding, she asked ME to remove her garter, as a reminder of our playing Cinderella. She has also asked us to place her name on the music box, as her inheritance.
    I have ALREADT received my reward MANY times over.
    YES, Dad play with them!
    Now, I get to play with her daughter, my 4 year-old Great grand-daughter! Yes, again on Easter! Herman

  6. Dads, speaking for the women, don't be afraid of a little "dress-up" doesn't take away from your manliness. I can assure you that there is nothing more attractive to your wife than seeing her husband in a tiara investing in his daughters! :)

  7. I just love this and all the comments, too. Daughters across the country all spell love TIME. And what a joy it must be to have them come to YOU to love.
